Walk the dog Chapter2 released

This time it is Elayne´s turn to walk the dog, she maybe should have asked Ezri about it before :) 52 pictures in this one!

and the previews as usual

you can get it from our shop or CLICK HERE!

and today i have even more interesting news for you!
all of my fans and followers that are asking about the old text versions and what happened to the old novels and if this and that will be continued: i dont know :) maybe yes maybe no, cant tell from here and today BUT Adara brought a lot of them to e-books, so for all of you who want to know how some storylines continue, check out her shop :)


lots of stuff around our girls to find there

but for now, enjoy and stay tuned!

Support Bundle!

hello again, long story short: one of my new freebie “customers” wrote a mail and asked why i dont simply put out all that stuff packed to ONE link :D that would make it a lot easier for people AND its a good way to support. here we go, all-in-one for just a few coins :) btw that guy downloaded all the stuff for zero and paid 10 bucks for the last one… so i thought this is a “fair” price for most people :)

filesize is 2,4gig and containing 1800 pictures, 45 story pdfs and text stories. thanks a lot!

or click HERE!

thanks and stay tuned for more! :)

For Free! 14 complete chapters waiting to be downloaded :)

a few days ago i noticed that is has been two years since i handed out freebies, thought i should change that :)
here you get ALL chapters from 2016 for Free! i counted 631(!)pictures in overall, just for science
long story short, everyone have fun, enjoy the ladies and her fellow monstermale friends! :D

you can find everything in the Free! section but i guess that was not too hard to figure out :)

enjoy and stay tuned!