Category Archives: blog

Paladin duties III released!

this time it is Rinils turn to distract demons and save the poor realm :D
24 pictures in overall for 4 bucks. commissioned story

aaand the (few) previews

can be found from our webshop or directly HERE!

enjoy and stay tuned!

Tamed & trained Chapter6 released :)

Teiros demands Elayne’s full attention again… The noose tightens and tightens around Elayne’s cute neck :)
31 pictures in this set

and the previews

you can find it from our webshop or click HERE!

next set will also be a commissioned one, paladines again :D

enjoy and stay tuned!

Tamed & trained Chapter5 released :)

Young noble Elayne teased some prisoners a bit too much this time :) Beside that slowly but surely her former “treatment” is showing results now… 33 pictures in this chapter

and some previews

can be found in our webshop or click HERE!

not sure what will be up next… preparing some final adjustments for converted Rinil this weekend, then doing some testrenders… and then i already know what patreons prefer :D but for now enjoy and stay tuned!