Category Archives: blog

Sorceress Lori – Interrogations released :)

Long story short – Lori gets jailed for a good reason and is interrogated now by the prison guard… more or less :) 23 highres pictures for 4 bucks

aaaand the previews

as always… from webshop or directly HERE!

thats another commissioned short story… as we havent seen Lori for a longer time now, i hope you like :D now going to continue with Cursed Forest Chapter2… will also be released this month, no idea yet if its going to be 35 or 50 pictures in the end

next month another short story (also commissioned) with Rinil and the final update for BitC (around 30 pics more) is planned :)

stay tuned!

FREE! Birds in the Cage v0.06 update released!

+ major revamp of elayne and ezri parts, 22 new pictures in overall added
+ another 14 pictures have also been reworked

we noticed that meanwhile this “small” fungame contains 70+ pictures :D bitc will receive one more HUGE update for lori & chiana and another smaller one with some secrets and candies built in :)

download can be found here:

we hope you all enjoy it :) stay tuned!

Thief Ezri – Sleazy Bonus Reward released

aaand here we go… next release :D its another small side story of the Rewards chapter. Elayne and Ezri are too arousing for the guards so Ezri gets a… well… special bonus reward :) 26 pics for 4 bucks again

aaaand the previews

as usual… from webshop or directly HERE!

ok… what else for this week… BIRDS IN THE CAGE V0.06 is released this weekend… but for patreons only atm. will be public on NEXT weekend so you have something more to drool for in july :)

The NEXT TWO set commissions are already taken. you remember, those 500 bucks thingie :) so lets see in which order i am going to release things in august… first of those minisets will be with Sorceress Lori, then Cursed Forest Chapter 2 and THEN going for second miniset… including Rinil. Not much left to complain in august i guess :) Elayne and Ezri get a (very little) break for the moment

If something is wondering why i sell those minisets as duo bundles on affect3d and renderotica stores… well… affect3ds minimum pricing is 5 bucks and renderoticas minimum picture number ist 35… so… have to do it this way :)

thats it for now…
enjoy and stay tuned! :)

Knight Elayne – Beauty and the Priest released

here it is, first of my minisets :) seems like a good idea to me to push out more of these the next months, just straight to the action part :D 22 pics for just 4 bucks, hope you like the idea same as i do :)

aaaand the previews…

as always… can be bought in webshop or directly HERE!

so… whatsup next? well… as this first miniset was more a commission with option to sell it in shops aswell… and seemingly there is a really HIGH demand for this kind of “commission” or better call it a sponsored set i think i keep this option up for patreons.

for this one 500 bucks have been paid, a rough draft what should happen and some changes here and there… and the option to sell it in shops finally sounds like a real nice extra tip over time. usually my cap is 10 pictures, but with 20 pics and the sale option it fits really nice into my 4-6-8-10 dollar scheme :)

what else? oh yes… next bitc update should be ready on next weekend as adara returned from her vacation and working on it now. pics are already done, 16 new ones so far. then just one final update with lori and rinil missing and our first testgame is finally finished :D

cursed forest chapter2 will be done in august, no worries :) just those fun chapters and gameupdates inbetween now

stay tuned!

Knight Elayne – Cursed Forest Chapter1 released :)

heyhey my dear fans and followers :) lazy year so far with regular salesets… but here we go again! :D Elayne finally got her first handcrafted armor, few more revamps in technical adjustments had been done and… the new chapter came out really nice, at least in my taste :D 2 months of work in overall on this one… next parts will be faster, no worries. 55 pics for 8 bucks… my usual pricing :)

aaaand here some previews…

and as usual you can get it from shopsite oooor directly HERE!

ok, so… this is first chapter/part… there will be a second… and one BAD ENDING version in the end :) second part will be done in july. MAYBE… i expand this to a third regular part, depends if my patreons drag in enough funny and nasty ideas :D

what happens next? well… next days i am working off a few commissions and updating our BITC game to next version. Elayne and Ezri part is getting a revamp before we drop in lori and chiana and finally finish this first (test)game :) after that is done… i am going to start working on a bigger commission. its 20 pics… its already paid… and patreon allows me to sell it afterwards as mini chapter :)

will be available as first of the small chapters and just on our bmt shop… guess the price will be 4 bucks, not completely sure about that. and the best is… its a rough ending version of our good old priory comic. yisyis… good reason to be happy as the priory is one of my most famous comics :D

thats it for now, stay tuned! :D