Category Archives: blog

Paladines: Mission failed peeks 01

first 15 pics are available for patreons, two of them already can be found in gallery :) its a smaller set so should be ready for sale next week

someone suggested to add a ko-fi button… so here you go, on the right sidebar if someone feels in mood to flip a coin :) now back to my renderslavepit! :D

stay tuned!

Time for alot of FREE stuff! :)

looong story short, the best way to say thank you for all the years of support! :D
they are still selling but it isnt my quality standard anymore… so it feels a bit strange to take money for my old (but kind of legendary) chapters any longer :)

here you go, everything from 2014 available for free from now on

simply click the covers for download or check out the free section :)
if you still want to flip a coin for them you can use our SHOP as usual

planned to revamp at least the ezri chapter this or next year if there is some time left… and whenever my patreon amount is high enough one day i could do that for all of them :)

but for now… thanks again for your support, enjoy and stay tuned!

Paladines: Rescue Mission released! :)

here the girls go again for their next paladine chapter :) 63 highres pics for the usual 8 bucks
aaaand the previews … once again:

as usual it can be found from our webshop or directly HERE!

going to work on a few commissions this week, preparing some scenery changes and refining some details on both models. then starting to render next paladine set in line next week :)

a small note about renderotica in future:

until now renderotica store was the only store that had ALL of my chapters in stock, beside my own store of course. but their management changed, that means a few things that wont work out so well in future :)
first of all they request a minimum number of 50 pictures for each release, and as i often do 35 pic chapters… second request is to change ezris appearance to look older. in overall not much to discuss then from my side. just to let you know that in future maybe 30% of my chapters can be released there and my own shop remains the only one containing really everything :)

but for now enjoy new chapter and stay tuned!

Paladines: Rescue Mission peeks 03

two more preview pics can be found in gallery :) set is on 48 pictures now… in the end its going to be around 60 pics. taking my time, also have to readjust and rerender a few existing pics as i am not 100% satisfied with their outcome… but you know that story all too well :)

in any case the release will be next week. i really enjoy working on those paladine sets… and dont worry… there will be more of them… soon… :D

installed some caching tools and other stuff for the website itself as it slowed down a bit due to a pretty nice increase of traffic during the last weeks. seems those paladine ladies and their genesis8 revamp in general is paying off now :D let me know if you have still problems but it seems to run alot faster now

but for now… back to my renderpit, enjoy and stay tuned!

Paladines: Rescue Mission peeks 02

two more previews can be found in gallery :) its going on, counting 29 postworked pics for now… almost every pic gets 3-4 handmade morphs… timeconsuming but i like the outcome alot :D

this “regular” chapter aims for 50+ pictures will hopefully be finished next week.

stay tuned!