meanwhile in the blog 28

heyhey :)

whats going on in january as hibbli keeps so silent? well… working on the next chapter ofc, demon kingdom chapter3. maybe this picture here could be interesting :D

omg whats wrong with hibblis renderfarm? nothing… its just part of the story… patreons already have their upfront storyline. so… a really good day for drow fans it seems. no worries about our girls… its just a timelimited spell, but at least long enough for the complete chapter :D

i dont think it will be finished within january, but early in february. i can tell you its horrible to do… dark scenery, dark skinned girls in black leather… its horrible to adjust sometimes but… you only gain skill if you keep raising the difficulty of your projects

beside that… and that also “wasted” a week of project time… started to learn blender (yea lol, finally) and this will close some more gaps, hopefully all. zbrush is fine to do clothing and morphs, but regular objects and sceneries can be done much easier in blender, at least for me. it seems the animation tools there are not as crappy as those from daz studio so be patient… there is a octane plugin for blender and you know what will come up sooner or later. beside that the usual things… gaining more knowledge in overall rendering, lighting and so on… nothing special

oh sometimes i wish the days had 48 hours, so many new things on horizon that want to be mastered… well i better keep on doing that than plahplah here :D

stay tuned!