Sold to Demons BAD ENDING Part1 released & Adaras Corner :)

heyhey and welcome back :)


I. Release

its dooooooone, first part of loris BAD ending in the library has been finished and is available now. what else to tell… as already mentioned it was toooo big for just 1 part, so we decided to split it in 2 parts again. part1 includes 53 pictures and the usual story pdf

that means moooore “action” pics, what most of you like anyway :) plahplahplah… less talk more previews, here you go!


mh what else to tell about… ah right, Adara herself did a few of those pictures. well she did all the posings and stuff, rendered with my settings as usual. she has pretty good hand for that stuff i noticed, just a bit more patience sometimes… comes with time… maybe… or hell will freeze before that happens in her case :)

so you likelike? i hope :D you can get it from shop oooor you click HERE!

II. Adaras Corner

as i already told, she started also with rendering. for the moment she is happy to play around with stuff and uses simply 3dlight standard renderer from daz studio, but perfect for learning things :) at the moment its all about basic things.. lights, settings, camera angles, basic posings and so on…


so the “stories” section will be revamped soon as she deserves her own little corner in here, with her own gallery (her first trial pictures can be found in THE gallery section aswell) or maybe she gets her own subdomain/domain, depends on how serious she wanna go for rendering. well i know the answer already, so be prepared for her first little image series :)

thats it for now, stay tuned :)