Wanna help us with Editing?

As pics are hibblis area… stories are my side..  and currently one editor is missing and haven’t heard from him for 2-3 weeks now.. ok.. maybe on vacation? maybe got comp problems?  all that would be the case, but still..  Haven’t heard from him for a long time now and I have to say.. that I’m a bit worried what happened to him..

That leaves me into bad position.. at moment there isn’t hurry mode and I can continue writing as much I can.. should do more than have been able..

BACK to business.. I could need two editors.. on my list just to make sure, that I won’t lean too heavily onto one editor alone.. as everyone have their own lifes, hobbies and works.. this should be fun to all of us.. and Editors of course gets free copy of the chapters what we make..

Also… if we move into alternative plan.. what is heavier on story side.. I write as much I can.. walking forward on my own speed.. While Hibbli picks those sets what she wanna render.. that means.. NOT ALL stories get rendered and some stories just stay on text format.. This is just ONE option what we have talked.. and other option is continue on this path where we are now.. story goes forward with every chapter.. bit by bit..

If we jump into story lead..  it give me more stress to keep feeding more stories in here.. and we figure out the way.. how we pick those stories what are on Hibblis worklist.. maybe Patreons have a vote on that.. dunno yet..  At the moment.. 2 (at least)  editors are needed..  you can contact me directly..  <address removed>


One thought on “Wanna help us with Editing?

  1. Hollow Voice

    Sent you an email (replying here, too, just in case it lands in your spam). The sender should show up as my addy here, minus the plus sign and everything after it until the atsign.

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