Knight Elayne – Beauty and the Priest released

here it is, first of my minisets :) seems like a good idea to me to push out more of these the next months, just straight to the action part :D 22 pics for just 4 bucks, hope you like the idea same as i do :)

aaaand the previews…

as always… can be bought in webshop or directly HERE!

so… whatsup next? well… as this first miniset was more a commission with option to sell it in shops aswell… and seemingly there is a really HIGH demand for this kind of “commission” or better call it a sponsored set i think i keep this option up for patreons.

for this one 500 bucks have been paid, a rough draft what should happen and some changes here and there… and the option to sell it in shops finally sounds like a real nice extra tip over time. usually my cap is 10 pictures, but with 20 pics and the sale option it fits really nice into my 4-6-8-10 dollar scheme :)

what else? oh yes… next bitc update should be ready on next weekend as adara returned from her vacation and working on it now. pics are already done, 16 new ones so far. then just one final update with lori and rinil missing and our first testgame is finally finished :D

cursed forest chapter2 will be done in august, no worries :) just those fun chapters and gameupdates inbetween now

stay tuned!